The lives of young people, especially young women in cities are restricted by socio-cultural norms as well as poor provision of infrastructure and services. This affects their right to the city, access to opportunities, and eventually their well-being. This project will address the well-being, safety, and inclusion of youth in city planning and development to enhance their right to the city.
Meaningful inclusion of young people’s voices and experiences
“The right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban resources.It is a right to change ourselves by changing the city.”
David Harvey
The project will build the leadership of young women leaders who will eventually be viewed as influencers and drivers of gender mobility, inclusion, safety, and well-being in their cities. It will enhance the confidence and skills of all youth participants with technology, data collection, and the development of indicators for gender-inclusive cities. The youth data and indicators will eventually lead to concrete schemes for gender and youth-responsive urban infrastructure and services. We believe these factors will transform cities into spaces where the youth can participate, contribute and thrive